Tuesday, January 29, 2008


This picture is for all you "easterners". This is what 'cha call a SAGUHARO cactus. (pronounced Sa-War-O ) It honestly took me years to learn to say that. I took this picture near Nate's house as he lives pretty much in the desert. These things are amazing. It's quite interesting to see birds nesting in them. Nate has them in his yard also. I remember being in grade school and reading about the WEST and all that went with it, including cactus plants, rattlesnakes and scorpions.The stories always intrigued me. I think back then I dreamed of marrying a cowboy and owning a herd of horses of my own. Well, Steve doesn't wear boots and my "herd" now consists of one miniature horse and a mini-mule, not even rideable. But I'll keep them regardless....I worry about Nate's kids and the scorpions that find their way into the house and the rattlesnakes discovered outside in the yard. Got a little side tracked there but hope you enjoy the Saguharo.


Jennifer said...

I haven't found any scorpions lately, or snakes...just wait till summer though.