Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sleigh Bells Ring....

Yesterday morning I had the wonderful opportunity to go for a sleigh ride with our friends, Susan and Thad. They own their own business, taking people for horseback rides during the summer and then sleigh rides in the winter when there is snow. What a gorgeous day it was, sunny and the temp was around 45 so it was quite pleasant. You know me, I loved it and sure appreciate Susan's call to inclue me! Thanks so much for a lovely morning!

Thad and Susan Wiltbank and the team

Aren't they pretty?

(I'm in the purple behind Thad)

Greer, Arizona
(About a foot of fresh snow where we were)


Linde said...

Look at all the snow! Looks like you all had so much fun! I'm glad you went and did that.

Nancy said...

Love the sleigh... would love to drop by for a ride! The photos are beautiful of the horses!
Thanks for getting my family the blogging bug! It is spreading around here.... we love the idea, and I am enjoying reading all your children's blogs, as well as Hannah's friends. One day, everyone will be delighted that you all took the time to blog.

Amanda said...

What a fun day mom! Looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could have done that while I was there!