Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cursed Email

Ok, no pictures today just a blog about an email I received early this morning. I have to say first of all, that I love my email. I check it faithfully(along with the kid's blogs) and enjoy using it to keep in touch.
Soooo, here comes an email this morning, JUNK obviously, addressed to....SUDDENLY SENIOR. (Upset me terribly instantly!) I certainly don't need reminding from an UNKNOWN SOURCE that I am SUDDENLY SENIOR!!! I tried to reply and give them an update as to my immense disgust at being addressed as such, only to find it was one of those emails that I couldn't send a response to. FRUSTRATION!
Just so you all know, I am NOT SUDDENLY SENIOR and even if I am headed in that direction, I plan to fight it all the way! Hope your day has gone better than mine started!


Chelsee said...

Funny! you are far from senior!

dennis said...

Just read your blog on Suddenly Senior to Stew,Merry and Nancy, Stew comment was that even if you're not senior, there is no excuse for language like that.

Linde said...

HaHa that is funny!

Jennifer said...

Well...Age is an attitude! I'd say you got a ways to go before you hit senior! Cute Post.