Friday, January 25, 2008


Pinky and Colleen Christmas 2007

Today's blog is a little different than my usual. Most of my friends and family either know of or have met my bestest friend, Pinky. For those of you who have not, well, here she is. Pinky and I have known each other for nearly 25 years. Tweny-five years, you say, no big deal? Well, yup it's a big deal to me. Considering that I was rather uprooted and became an Eagar implant almost 32 years ago, it was a big deal for me to make new friends. It began one day when Pinky needed a babysitter for Josh and heard that I was doing just that thing in my home. From that time on, we have helped each other thru the ups and downs of life, raising kids and all that entailed. She easily became my long, lost sister. She is, by far, one of the most positive, talented and uplifting people I know. She brings light and happiness to all who cross her path. The reason for this post is one that I wish wasn't necessary. You see, she starts Chemo and Radiation on Monday. Five weeks of the unknown and dealing with whatever every day brings. So, here's the plan. Whoever you are, when you happen to be reading this would you consider my plea for her. Please keep her in your prayers during this time and ask that she will be blessed as she endures the next few weeks. I appreciate you all so much and Pink, you're a fighter and deserve all the wonderful things life has to offer. These nasty treatments will be over before you know it and then life will continue to be good and wonderful. I love you dearly.

Pink and Colleen, just laughing

Roger and Pinky


Linde said...

I agree, she is wonderful and everything will turn out fine:) I am glad that you have each other.

Jennifer said...

It's so important to have good friends.

Mandy said...

God puts certain people in our lives for a reason. I feel so blessed to have had good friends. I understand how hard it is to watched the ones we love go throught rough times. Hey cute blog by the way I love looking!

Nancy said...

You can be sure that Pinky will be in many thoughts and prayers. I know how special that friend can be, and realize just how fortunate you both are!

Amanda said...

There is nothing like a best friend!