Tuesday, February 3, 2009


For all of you pork lovers out there... That's what it's called... the "BACON EXPLOSION". Steve was watching TV one night and decided to try out a website and recipe offered. On Saturday we took a little drive to Pinetop in order to find "homemade Italian sausage". (all this in preparation for the Super Bowl, of course) This really is an amazing recipe and well worth trying. Steve is getting to be quite the gourmet chef! Now he does turkey, omlets and the bacon explosion. The bacon weave was amazing. It really looks too pretty to eat. This can be done on the grill or in the oven. To get the recipe go to http://www.bbqaddicts.com/ and scroll down just a little ways. Use whatever seasoning and sauce you like, it's guaranteed to be yummy. very, very filling.One must be a pork lover and willing to learn to weave bacon.

the bacon weave covered with bbq sauce

getting ready to wrap the weave around sausage roll

almost ready for the oven

not only one, but TWO

He's so proud of himself! Who ever thought in a millions years that I'd get a picture of him in the kitchen!

finished product

YUMMY! Kooper having a little sample.


Chelsee said...

This is all Daniel has been talking about. I guess we will have to try it. Steve's looks just as good as the one online!

Linde said...

It was so YUMMY!

dennis said...

I guess I'll have to give it a try, would be good for my arteries.Not sure I want Stew to see this....see you soon

Amanda said...

When you and dad get here dad can cook it for me... ummmm bacon.... I love bacon :) can't wait to see you

Diane said...

Steve HAS to make some of those when you come out to work on the camp.All he needs is a cute little apron.The other day I finally figured out why Kooper keeps you all so busy,HE"S LEFT HANDED.Hide your marbles Colleen.